objavljeni u časopisima indeksiranim u Web of Science Core Collection bazi
- Liang X, Kukko A, Balenović I, Saarinen N, Junttila S, Kankare V, Holopainen, M, Mokroš M, Surový P, Kaartinen H, Jurjević L, Honkavaara E, Nasi R, Jingbin L, Hollaus M, Yu X, Jie P, Shangshu C, Virtanen J-P, Wang Y, Hyyppa J, 2022. Close-Range Remote Sensing of Forests-The state of the art, challenges, and opportunities for systems and data acquisitions. IEEE Geosci Remote S. Early Access. https://doi.org/10.1109/MGRS.2022.3168135.
- Martín-García S, Balenović I, Jurjević L, Lizarralde I, Buján S, Alonso Ponce R, 2022. What Is the Most Suitable Height Range of ALS Point Cloud and LiDAR Metric for Understorey Analysis? A Study Case in a Mixed Deciduous Forest, Pokupsko Basin, Croatia. Remote Sens 14(9): 2095. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs14092095.
- Balenović I, Jurjević L, Indir K, Seletković A, 2021. Photogrammetric Estimates of Stand Volume in Pedunculate Oak Stands of the Pokupsko Basin. Sumar List 145(11-12): 567-579. https://doi.org/10.31298/sl.145.11-12.6.
- Martin-Garcia S, Balenović I, Jurjević L, Lizarralde I, Indir K, Alonso Ponce R, 2021. Height to Crown Base Modelling for the Main Tree Species in an Even-Aged Pedunculate Oak Forest: A Case Study from Central Croatia. South-east Eur for 12(11): 1-11. https://doi.org/10.15177/seefor.21-04.
- Deur M, Gašparović M, Balenović I, 2021. A Review of Satellite Missions and Forest Cover Classification Methods Using High Resolution Satellite Imagery. Geodet List 75(2): 143-168. https://hrcak.srce.hr/261116.
- Jurjević L, Gašparović M, Liang X, Balenović I, 2021. Assessment of Close-Range Remote Sensing Methods for DTM Estimation in a Lowland Deciduous Forest. Remote Sens 13(11): 2063. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13112063.
- Deur M, Gašparović M, Balenović I, 2021. An Evaluation of Pixel-and Object-Based Tree Species Classification in Mixed Deciduous Forests Using Pansharpened Very High Spatial Resolution Satellite Imagery. Remote Sens 13(10): 1868. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13101868.
- Balenović I, Liang X, Jurjević L, Hyyppä J, Seletković A, Kukko A, 2021. Hand-Held Personal Laser Scanning – Current Status and Perspectives for Forest Inventory Application. Croat J Forest Eng 42(1): 165-183. https://doi.org/10.5552/crojfe2021.858.
- Jurjević L, Liang X, Gašparović M, Balenović I, 2020. Is field-measured tree height as reliable as believed–Part II, A comparison study of tree height estimates from conventional field measurement and low-cost close-range remote sensing in a deciduous forest. ISPRS J Photogramm Remote Sens 169: 227-241. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2020.09.014.
- Deur M, Gašparović M, Balenović I, 2020. Tree Species Classification in Mixed Deciduous Forests Using Very High Spatial Resolution Satellite Imagery and Machine Learning Methods. Remote Sens 12(23): 3926. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12233926.
- Jurjević L, Gašparović M, Simic Milas A, Balenović I, 2020. Impact of UAS Image Orientation on Accuracy of Forest Inventory Attributes. Remote Sens 12(3): 404. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12030404.
- Balenović I, Jurjević L, Simic Milas A, Gašparović M, Ivanković D, Seletković A, 2019. Testing the Applicability of the Official Croatian DTM for Normalization of UAV-based DSMs and Plot-level Tree Height Estimations in Lowland Forests. Croat J Forest Eng 40(1): 163-174. https://hrcak.srce.hr/217406.
- Pilaš I, Gašparović M, Đodan M, Balenović I, Dugački I, 2019. Mogućnosti korištenja optičkih satelitskih snimaka srednje i visoke rezolucije (Landsat 8, RapidEye) u vizualizaciji i detekciji promjena šumskog pokrova nakon vjetroizvala. Geod list 73(96)(3): 261-276. https://hrcak.srce.hr/227003.
- Gašparović M, Simic Milas A, Seletković A, Balenović I, 2018. A novel automated method for the improvement of photogrammetric DTM accuracy in forests. Šumar list 142(11-12): 567-576. https://doi.org/10.31298/sl.142.11-12.1.
- Balenović I, Gašparović M, Simic Milas A, Berta A, Seletković A, 2018. Accuracy Assessment of Digital Terrain Models of Lowland Pedunculate Oak Forests Derived from Airborne Laser Scanning and Photogrammetry. Croat J Forest Eng 39(1): 117-128. https://hrcak.srce.hr/193559.
- Jurjević L, Gašparović M, Župan R, Marjanović H, Balenović I, 2018. Algoritam za modeliranje i procjenu opsega debla na temelju fotogrametrijskog oblaka točaka. Geod list 72(95)(3): 181-196. https://hrcak.srce.hr/209071.
- Gašparović M, Medak D, Pilaš I, Jurjević L, Balenović I, 2018. Fusion of Sentinel-2 and Planetscope Imagery for Vegetation Detection and Monitoring. Int Arch Photogramm Remote Sens Spatial Inf Sci XLII-1: 155-160. https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-archives-XLII-1-155-2018.
- Gašparović M, Seletković A, Berta A, Balenović I, 2017. The Evaluation of Photogrammetry-Based DSM from Low-Cost UAV by LiDAR-Based DSM. South-east Eur for 8(2): 117-125. https://doi.org/10.15177/seefor.17-16.
- Balenović I, Vincenc G, 2022. Primjene ručnog laserskog skeniranja za procjenu drvne zalihe. Hrvatske šume – časopis za popularizaciju šumarstva 307-308: 38-41. http://casopis.hrsume.hr/pdf/307.pdf#page=38.
- Balenović I, 2021. Primjena daljinskih istraživanja u šumarstvu – popis radova hrvatskih autora objavljenih u razdoblju od 2010. do 2021. godine u bazama Web of Science i Scopus. Bilten Znanstvenog vijeća za daljinska istraživanja HAZU 18: 16-18. https://www.info.hazu.hr/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Bilten-18-2021-HQ.pdf.
- Jurjević L, 2021. Znanstveno usavršavanje na Odjelu za daljinska istraživanja i fotogrametriju Finskog geodetskog instituta. Bilten Znanstvenog vijeća za daljinska istraživanja HAZU 18: 23-24. https://www.info.hazu.hr/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Bilten-18-2021-HQ.pdf.
- Balenović I, Jurjević L, Indir K, 2020. Primjena tehnologija blizu-predmetnih daljinskih istraživanja u izmjeri šuma. Hrvatske šume – časopis za popularizaciju šumarstva 285: 14-16. http://casopis.hrsume.hr/pdf/285.pdf#page=14.
- Balenović I, Jurjević L, Seletković A, 2019. Ručni laserski skener (ZEB-HORIZON) – Mogućnost primjene u izmjeri pojedinačnih stabala. Hrvatske šume – časopis za popularizaciju šumarstva 269: 10-12. http://casopis.hrsume.hr/pdf/269.pdf#page=10.
- Balenović I, Jurjević L, Seletković A, 2019. Fotogrametrija u izmjeri šuma – projekt 3D-FORINVENT. Hrvatske šume – časopis za popularizaciju šumarstva 265-266: 38-41. http://casopis.hrsume.hr/pdf/265.pdf#page=38.